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Everything to a good life.

Ruska Laukka tallin pihapiiristä kesä- ja talvikuvia Ruka-Kuusamossa

Ronivaara farm

Ruska Laukka is located in Meskusvaara, Kuusamo. The distance from the downtown area of Kuusamo to the farm is 10 kilometers. From Ruka to Ruska Laukka you can drive by car in half an hour. The farm’s yard is surrounded by forests and varied terrain.

The diversity of nature and the importance of preserving the traditional landscape are reflected here. The lands of the farm include traditional biotopes and a restored wetland. You can get to know the life of the farm through the farm visit program.

Ruska Laukka tallin pihapiiristä kesä- ja talvikuvia Ruka-Kuusamossa

Courtyard buildings

The courtyard of the horse farm is dominated by a stable building. The building, which has been expanded from an old barn, has a stable with seven boxes, a stable room, a stable attic and a workshop for events and parties, storage and maintenance facilities. The stable is surrounded by paddocks.

On the other side of the yard is a beautiful home and warehouse buildings for an entrepreneurial family.  The history of the farm is exuded on the edge of the riding arena by a red cabin serving the public and events and an old village blacksmith’s workshop.

Metsätarhat, aukeat pellot sekä yhdessä asuminen pihatoissa tukevat hevosten hyvinvointia Ruska Laukan tallilla Ruka-Kuusamossa

Paddocks and pastures

There are four paddocks in the yard and the horses have large forest pastures all year round. Horses go outside and play in the paddock in the herd.

The well-being of horses and the right to breed behavior are important to us and these are made possible in herd and paddock life.

Ruska Laukka tallin pihapiiristä kesä- ja talvikuvia Ruka-Kuusamossa

” Ruska Laukka was just like what I expected! Wonderful milieu, sweet horses and friendly people!”

a traveller
Ruska Laukan tallilla valmennus-, yksityis-, pari-, pienryhmä ja mini tunnit Ruka Kuusamossa

Riding arena, indoor arena and trail route

Ruska Laukka is a versatile, safe and pleasant place for horse riding. Varied terrains and routes, a large riding arena and a cozy indoor arena offer riding places all year round.

Sosiaalipedagoginen seikkailua metsässä ja veden äärellä Ruska Laukan tallilla Ruka-Kuusamossa

Traditional biotopes and wetland

Ronivaarassa pidetään tärkeänä luonnon monimuotoisuuden ja perinnebiotooppien We consider it important to preserve biodiversity and traditional biotopes.